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Here we have a list of books that are available for borrowing. Feel free to have a browse after Zazenkai, If you find something you like just pop your name and info into the Borrowers book and return after you have finished. If you have any Zen related books collecting dust in your bookshelf and would like to donate that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)

Library Book List:


All In One – One in All Thich Nhat Hanh


Awakening to Zen - Philip Kapleau


Beyond Thinking - Kazuaki Tanahasi


Buddhism for Busy People - David Michie


Cave of Tigers: Modern Zen Encounters - John Daido Loori


From the Zen Kitchen of Enlightenment - Dogen & Uchiyama


Haiku: The Poetry of Zen - Manuela Dunn Mascetti


Koans: The Lessons of Zen - Manuela Dunn Mascetti


Moon in a Dewdrop - Kazuaki Tanahasi


Not Always So - Shunryu Suzuki


Present Moment, Wonderful Moment - Thich Nhat Hanh


Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind Maura - Soshin O’Halloran


Taking the Path of Zen - Robert Aitken


The Hazy Moon of Enlightenment - Maezumi & Bernie Glassman


The Six Paramitas - Chan Master Sheng-yen


The Tao of Recovery - Jim McGregor


Sunshine and Green Leaves - Thich Nhat Hanh


Zen Buddhism - L.P.Singh & B.M.Sirisena


Zen Comics - Ioanna Salajan


Zen Flesh, Zen Bones Paul Reps

Canberra Soto Zen Group

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